Common Conditions We Treat

At Accident Relief Chiropractic in Garland, we focus on whole body health. Often times, pain in one area is resonating from another area under pressure. To provide quality health care, we specialize in treating many conditions, including the following:

Back Pain

Back pain is a debilitating condition that affects adults of all ages. People suffering from back pain may find difficulty performing everyday tasks like sitting, sleeping and engaging in physical activities. Managing your back pain with chiropractic care can help alleviate back pain and restore quality of life. At Accident Relief Chiropractic, we help patients manage their back pain naturally with chiropractic care, avoiding invasive surgical procedures.

Neck Pain

Most people with neck pain usually try to eliminate pain on their own or ignore it altogether, hoping the pain will naturally go away. Prolonged neck pain can affect overall health and quality of life as it can limit your range of motion. With neck pain, most people will experience muscle spasms, neck stiffness, pain in the upper-back or shoulders, and headaches. Neck pain can be brought on by prolonged awkward neck positions, poor posture, sport injuries, whiplash, sleeping in the wrong position, and repetitive movements.

Herniated Disc

Herniated disc or bulging disc is a condition wherein a disc protrudes outside of the normal radius in the spine. A person suffering from this condition may not even know there is anything wrong until the bulging disc presses on a nerve in the spinal column and causes excruciating pain. Typical symptoms of a herniated disc include leg pain, numbness, pain and weakness in the feet and toes and generalized back pain. Additional symptoms, depending on the location of the disc herniation, include pain and weakness in the arms and hands as well as tingling and weakness in the fingers and reduced grip strength.


Sciatica is identified by pain that stems from compressed sciatic nerves due to a herniated or bulging disc. The pain usually starts in the lower back and travels down to one or both legs. The pain may vary in terms of frequency, severity, or it may be constant. The sciatic nerve travels through the lower back, hips and buttocks. When a herniated disc compresses the sciatic nerve, it causes the nerve to swell and pain arises in the lower body. Chiropractic adjustments will aim to re-align the spine and take the pressure off of the sciatic nerve for pain relief. Once the pressure is off, the body can begin to heal itself from within.

Migraine Headaches

It is believed that genetics and your surroundings can cause migraines. At Accident Relief Chiropractic, we have seen just how painful and difficult it can be for patients with migraines. While Chiropractic care cannot cure the disease, our all-natural approach to treatment is able to alleviate the pain associated with throbbing migraine episodes through spinal adjustments to relieve pressure on the nervous system.

Chronic Pain

Traditional pain management relies on medication to mask the symptoms of chronic back pain. This medication interferes with the brain’s ability to process pain signals, giving patients a temporary respite from pain. Unfortunately, once this medication wears off, the pain will return and may even feel worse than before. Many of our patients worry about getting trapped in a cycle of medication and pain, which is harmful to the body’s health. Through Chiropractic care, Dr. Ledbetter can offer you a safe and effective alternative.


Subluxation occurs at any age and some of the causes are physical, toxins and stress. Subluxation can be caused by trauma due to physical impact and this can occur while playing sports or while sleeping in a bad position. It can also result from toxins due to poor diet because chemicals can throw your internal balance off and cause the muscles to contract. Stress is another possible cause of subluxation because tension can cause the muscles around the neck and upper back to tighten. Subluxation is believed to be one of the main causes of neck pain and back pain.


Like all other treatments for scoliosis, aside from the corrective brace prescribed to adolescents with scoliosis, chiropractic does not correct, cure or reverse scoliosis. Chiropractic adjustments and therapies help to improve form (therefore, improving function), and induce mobility into the joints. These improvements can decrease pain, increase comfort and improve posture. Chiropractors can also address other symptoms or issues the patient may be experiencing, and help prevent further degradation of the spine.

Pinched Nerve

Chiropractic care for a pinched nerve includes re-aligning the spine to get you back to optimal health. There are so many stress factors that take place that can cause a pinched nerve, and chiropractors specialize in reducing that stress to treat pinched nerves as well as prevent them. Pinched nerves are often caused by subluxation, a misalignment, disc degeneration, osteoarthritis, or a disc herniation.

Muscle Spasm

The first step towards overcoming muscle spasms is to determine what exactly is causing them. Only then can you make the necessary changes to your lifestyle to correct it. One of the most common causes of muscle spasms is dehydration. Heavy lifting or poor posture may also contribute to muscle spasms, as well as certain types of back injuries, such as pinched nerve or slipped disc. A person who is experiencing muscle spasms as a result of a pinched nerve, for instance, may seek chiropractic treatment to relieve pressure on the affected nerve. As Chiropractors, we can often manipulate the nerve and/or tissue surrounding the nerve to “free” it, thus, relieving the client of his or her muscle spasms.


Many of the above conditions can be treated in our office through Adjustments, Electrical Therapy, and Intersegmental Traction Therapy. If further treatment is needed, we offer other services or can refer you to a pain management specialist or our in-house Physical Therapist.

Call us today at (214) 703-9800!